SSL VPNs are typically offered as an appliance (Device) that contains all of the hardware and software needed to run the VPN. SSL VPNs provide web-based access to many different types of e-mail servers. They also include the ability to manage files and directories through a web interface, The user can also manage folders and upload new files.
Authentication Options:-
SSL VPNs can authenticate users using a variety of different techniques, including the following:
> Through user names and passwords defined in the SSL VPN for each user.
> Through integration with an existing authentication system, such as Windows Active Directory.
Choosing this option lets remote users use their normal network user name and password, and the
SSL VPN then integrates with the preexisting authentication system on the network.
> Through the integration of a two-factor authentication system. Two-factor authentication systems
usually include a small device for each user that displays a number that changes every minute or
so. Users log in by typing the number on the device at the time they are logging on, plus an
additional number that is known only to them (sort of like an ATM PIN). Two-factor
authentication systems are extremely secure, because the devices use a randomized sequence of
numbers known only to a secure server installed in the network. Once users log in to an SSL VPN,
they are shown a home page that displays all of the connection options available to them.
The choices available to a remote user may include the following:
> Access to a remote node connection through the SSL VPN
> Access to other web servers on the company’s network, such as a corporate intranet site, which
are not normally accessible through the Internet
> Access to e-mail, either through an application like Web Outlook or through a web-enabled e-mail
client provided by the SSL VPN
> The ability to perform web-based file management through the SSL VPN; files that are managed
might be hosted on Windows- or UNIX-based servers
> Access to shared corporate applications that have been set up to work through the SSL VPN, such
as an accounting system
> Access to Windows Terminal Services or Citrix sessions via the SSL VPN
> Access to mainframe terminal sessions
> They are still fairly expensive for smaller companies.
> smallest configurations starting at $8,000 to $10,000 to support up to 100 simultaneous users.
> So if you need to support only 20 to 30 remote users, you have to pay full amount.
SSL VPNs bring a number of attractive benefits to supporting remote access:
> No client software needs to be installed on the remote computer, except for usually an ActiveX or
Java add-in that installs into the browser automatically.
> There is essentially no configuration or management required on the remote system. This is an
important point, because most VPN client software is very difficult to support.
> Provided the users know the web address of the SSL VPN server and have the correct information
to authenticate (log in) to the system, they can log in from almost any Internet-connected
computer in the world and access a wide range of network services through simple web pages.
> Because many common functions, such as file management, can be performed using web pages,
SSL VPNs work much better over lower-bandwidth connections than other VPN alternatives. so
many tasks that are slow over a traditional VPN connection are much faster with an SSL VPN.
> Most SSL VPNs, in addition to their web-based access features, also allow the user to start a
remote node connection on demand, and this remote node connection runs using automatically
installing and configuring browser plug-ins
SSL VPNs are typically offered as an appliance (Device) that contains all of the hardware and software needed to run the VPN. SSL VPNs provide web-based access to many different types of e-mail servers. They also include the ability to manage files and directories through a web interface, The user can also manage folders and upload new files.
Authentication Options:-
SSL VPNs can authenticate users using a variety of different techniques, including the following:
> Through user names and passwords defined in the SSL VPN for each user.
> Through integration with an existing authentication system, such as Windows Active Directory.
Choosing this option lets remote users use their normal network user name and password, and the
SSL VPN then integrates with the preexisting authentication system on the network.
> Through the integration of a two-factor authentication system. Two-factor authentication systems
usually include a small device for each user that displays a number that changes every minute or
so. Users log in by typing the number on the device at the time they are logging on, plus an
additional number that is known only to them (sort of like an ATM PIN). Two-factor
authentication systems are extremely secure, because the devices use a randomized sequence of
numbers known only to a secure server installed in the network. Once users log in to an SSL VPN,
they are shown a home page that displays all of the connection options available to them.
The choices available to a remote user may include the following:
> Access to a remote node connection through the SSL VPN
> Access to other web servers on the company’s network, such as a corporate intranet site, which
are not normally accessible through the Internet
> Access to e-mail, either through an application like Web Outlook or through a web-enabled e-mail
client provided by the SSL VPN
> The ability to perform web-based file management through the SSL VPN; files that are managed
might be hosted on Windows- or UNIX-based servers
> Access to shared corporate applications that have been set up to work through the SSL VPN, such
as an accounting system
> Access to Windows Terminal Services or Citrix sessions via the SSL VPN
> Access to mainframe terminal sessions
> They are still fairly expensive for smaller companies.
> smallest configurations starting at $8,000 to $10,000 to support up to 100 simultaneous users.
> So if you need to support only 20 to 30 remote users, you have to pay full amount.
SSL VPNs bring a number of attractive benefits to supporting remote access:
> No client software needs to be installed on the remote computer, except for usually an ActiveX or
Java add-in that installs into the browser automatically.
> There is essentially no configuration or management required on the remote system. This is an
important point, because most VPN client software is very difficult to support.
> Provided the users know the web address of the SSL VPN server and have the correct information
to authenticate (log in) to the system, they can log in from almost any Internet-connected
computer in the world and access a wide range of network services through simple web pages.
> Because many common functions, such as file management, can be performed using web pages,
SSL VPNs work much better over lower-bandwidth connections than other VPN alternatives. so
many tasks that are slow over a traditional VPN connection are much faster with an SSL VPN.
> Most SSL VPNs, in addition to their web-based access features, also allow the user to start a
remote node connection on demand, and this remote node connection runs using automatically
installing and configuring browser plug-ins
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