IP Address Assignment Process in DHCP

The primary function of DHCP is to assign IP addresses.Basically IP Address Assignment process contains three types of address allocation methods:
A.    Manual allocation The administrator configures the DHCP server to assign a specificIP address to a given system; the IP address will never change unless it is manuallymodified. This is equivalent in functionality to RARP and BOOTP.
B.     Automatic allocation The DHCP server assigns permanent IP addresses allocatedfrom a pool; the addresses do not change unless they are manually modified by theuser or the administrator.
C.    Dynamic allocation The DHCP server assigns IP addresses from a pool by using alimited-time lease so that an address can be reassigned if the client system doesn’tperiodically renew it.
Manual allocation It is also known as reservation which is suitable for Internet servers and othermachines that require IP addresses that do not change because they rely on DNS nameresolution for user access. This form of address allocation is nothing more than a remote configurationsolution because the end result is no different than if the administrator manuallyconfigured the TCP/IP client.
There are two advantages to manually allocating addresses, however. First, you can deliveradditional TCP/IP configuration settings along with the address, changing them as needed.Second, manual allocation is also an organizational aid that enables to keep track of all theaddresses used on the network. Keeping all the address assignments in one databasemakes it easier to track the assignments and reduces theaccidental addressduplication.

Automatic allocationit is useful on stable single-segment networks or multisegment networkswhere machines are not routinely moved to other segments. This method reduces thenetwork traffic generated by DHCP by eliminating the address lease renewal procedures. Inmost cases, the savings are minimal, however. Automatic allocation is also not recommendedif organization is working with a limited supply of registered IP addresses.

Dynamic allocation provides the greatest amount of flexibility with theleast amount ofadministrative intervention. The DHCP server assigns IP addresses to systemson any subnet and automatically reclaims the addresses no longer in use for reassignment.Also, there is nopossibility of duplicate addresses on the network (as long as DHCP managesall of the network’s addresses).
Note: Following are Codes to Understand Address Assignments

The DHCP Message Type option identifies the overall function of the DHCP message and is
required in all DHCP packets.
1 DHCP DISC OVER Used by a client system to locate DHCP servers and request an
   IP address
2 DHCP OFFER    Used by a server to offer an IP address to a client
 3 DHCPREQUEST  Used by a client to request a specific IP address assignment or to renew a lease
4 DHCP DECLINE  Used by a client to reject an IP address offered by a server
5 DHCPACK          Used by a server to acknowledge a client’s acceptance of an offered
IP address
6 DHCPNACK       Used by a server to reject a client’s acceptance of an offered IP address
7 DHCP RELEASE Used by a client to terminate a lease
8 DHCP INFORM  Used by a client that has already been assigned an IP address to request
                                     additional configuration parameters
Whenconfiguring a workstation to be a DHCP client, the system initiates an exchange ofmessages with a DHCP server. Whether dynamic, automatic, or manual addressallocation used, the first exchange of messages, resulting in an IP address assignment for the client,is the same.

Actual Process of Address Assignment to a client by using DHCP 
Step 1:Before the initial client/server exchange can begin, (How is the client to find the server and communicate with it when its TCP/IP stack has not yet been configured?) A DHCP clientthat does not yet have an IP address is said to be in the init state.In this state, even thoughthe workstation has no information about the servers on the network and no IP address of itsown, it is stillcapable of sending broadcast transmissions

Step 2:The client begins the exchange by broadcasting a series of DHCPDISCOVER messages.
Because the client has no IP address of its own yet, the source address field in the IP headercontains the value
Step 3:Each of the servers receiving the DHCPDISCOVER packet responds to the client with a
DHCPOFFER message that contains an IP address (Your IP Address). Thisis the address the server is offering for the client’s use. Because each DHCP server on thenetwork operatesindependently, the client may receive several offers, each with a different IPaddress.
Step 4:After a predetermined interval, the client stops broadcasting DHCPDISCOVERmessagesand selects one of the offers it has received. If the client receives no DHCPOFFER messages,it retries its broadcasts and eventually times out with an error message. No other TCP/IPcommunications are possible while the machine is in this state.
Step 5:when client accepts an IP address offered by a server, it generates aDHCPREQUESTmessage that contains the name of the selected server in the Server Identifier option and theoffered IP address in the RequestedIP Address option
Step 6:The client transmits the DHCPREQUEST message as a broadcast because the messagenot only informs the selected server that the client has accepted its offer, it also informs theother servers that their offers have been declined. 
Ø  At the time a server generates a DHCPOFFER message, the IP address it offers is not yet exclusivelyallocated to that client. If addresses are in short supply or if the client takestoo longto respond, the server might offer that address to another client in the interim.
Step 7:When theserver receives the DHCPREQUEST message saying its offer has beenaccepted, it generateseither a DHCPACK message indicating that the IP address assignment has been completedor a DHCPNAK message indicating that the offered address is no longeravailable.
Step 8:When the server generates a DHCPACK message, it creates an entry in its database that
commits the offered IP address to the client’s hardware address. The combination of thesetwo addresses will be used as a unique identifier,called the lease identification cookie, for that client.
Ø  If the server sends a DHCPNAK messageto the client, the entire transaction is nullified and the client must begin the whole processagain by generating new DHCPDISCOVER messages.
Step 9:As a final test of its newly assigned address, the client can (but is not required to) usethe ARP protocol to make sure that no other system on the network is using the IP addressfurnished to it by the server. If the address is in use, the client sends a DHCPDECLINE messageto theserver, nullifying the transaction. If the address is not in use, the address assignmentprocess is completed and the client enters what is known as the bound state.

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