DHCP Architecture

DHCP Packet Structure/Architecture
DHCP communications use eight different types of messages, all of which use the same basicpacket format.
The packet format is shown in following Figure.

The following fields make up the DHCP packet:
op (Op Code), 1 byteSpecifies whether the message is a request or a reply, usingthe following codes:
htype (Hardware Type), 1 byteSpecifies the type of hardware address used in thechaddr field, E.G: The value for Ethernet hardware addresses is 1.

hlen (Hardware Address Length), 1 byteSpecifies the length (in bytes) of thehardware address found in the chaddr field, according to the value of the htype field(for example, if htype is 1, indicating an Ethernet hardware address, the value of hlenwill be 6 bytes).

hops, 1 byteSpecifies the number of network segments between the client and theserver. The client sets the value to 0, and each DHCP relay system increments it by 1during the journey to the server.

xid (Transaction ID), 4 bytesContains a transaction identifier that systems use toassociate the request and response messages of a single DHCP transaction.

secs (Seconds), 2 bytes Specifies the number of seconds elapsed since the IP addresswasassigned or the lease was last renewed. This enables the systems to distinguishbetweenmessages of the same type generated during a single DHCP transaction.

flags, 2 bytesContains the broadcast flag as the first bit, which, when set to a valueof 1, specifies that DHCP servers and relay agents should use broadcasts, not unicasts,to transmit to the client. The remaining bits in the field are unused and must have avalue of 0.

ciaddr (Client IP Address), 4 bytesSpecifies the client’s IP address in DHCPREQUESTmessages transmitted while in the bound, renewal, or rebinding state. At all othertimes, the value must be 0.

yiaddr (Your IP Address), 4 bytesSpecifies the IP address being offered or assignedby a server in DHCPOFFER or DHCPACK messages. At all other times, thevalue must be 0.

siaddr (Server IP Address), 4 bytesSpecifies the IP address of the next server ina bootstrap sequence. Servers include this information in DHCPOFFER and DHCPACKmessages onlywhen DHCP is configured to supply an executable boot file to clientsand the boot files forvarious client platforms are stored on different servers.

giaddr (Gateway IP Address), 4 bytesSpecifies the IP address of the DHCP relayagent to which a server should send its replies when the client and server are locatedon different subnets. When the client and server are on the same segment, the valuemust be 0.

chaddr (Client Hardware Address), 16 bytesSpecifies the hardware address of theclient system in DHCPDISCOVER and DHCPREQUEST messages, which the server usesto addressits unicast responses to the client. The format of the hardware address isspecified by the values of the htype and hlen fields.

sname (Server Host Name), 64 bytesSpecifies the (optional) host name ofthe DHCP server.

file (Boot File Name), 128 bytesSpecifies the name of an executable boot filefor diskless client workstations in DHCPDISCOVER messages (in which case a genericfile name is supplied) or DHCPOFFER messages (in which the field contains a full pathand file name.

options, variable size, minimum 312 bytesContains the magic cookie that specifieshow therest of the field should be interpreted and the DHCP Message Type optionthat defines the function of the message, as well as other options.
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